Extra-Curricular Programs Extra-Curricular

Mentorship/Missions Programs

Inner City Mentorship Team

The Inner City Mentorship Team is a group of grade 9-12 students committed to reaching out to the impoverished and hurting within our city. Currently, the team operates as an extra-curricular activity and runs on course completion days under the direction of our Vice-Principal and school Chaplain.

One of our focal areas is our partnership with Kitchener School. Our desire is to provide mentorship, hope and friendship. This year our team will spend time with Kitchener students through Gym Blasts, baking and community visits, reading buddies, a pancake breakfast and a spring carnival. Outside of this partnership, we provide our Inner City Mentorship Team with opportunities to serve with parachurch organizations. Some of our students volunteer their time with The Burger Bus, Souls Harbour, Youth for Christ (YFC) and other inner city ministry agencies. All students in grades 9 – 12 are welcome to join the Inner City Mentorship Team. We are committed to making a difference through service one heart at a time. 

Annual High School Missions Trip

Since 2002, RCS has been sending high school students passionate about reaching others for Jesus on a mission’s trip to Guatemala. Students from grades 10 to 12 are invited to participate and the mission’s trip takes place during the Easter break.

While in Guatemala, the team partners with Impact Ministries, an organization that ministers to the Poqomchi people of the Tactic area. Impact Ministries is an inter-denominational ministry that was established in 1997 by a group of educators, administrators and other individuals who shared a common concern for the impoverished and disadvantaged people of Latin America. Impact Ministries is a charitable non-profit society governed by a Board of Directors. The focus of their ministries is with the Kekchi and Poqomchi people groups of Guatemala. In the rural areas round Tactic, more than 80 percent of the people are illiterate. This debilitates and isolates them from the ‘outside’ world. Impact Ministries primary goal is to open up the Word of God to these precious people through Christian School Education. The people of Tactic are very poor. The average man in Tactic earns a wage of 35 Quetzals ($5.00 CDN) for an eight hour day of heavy farm labour, dairy work or cutting and selling firewood. Guatemala has seen a revival that has brought 35% of the people to come to faith in Jesus. Tactic, on the other hand, has been dominated by a syncrotist religion that combines Roman Catholicism, ancient Mayan traditions and witchcraft. Impact Ministries is committed to loving, serving and disciplining these people.

While in Guatemala, our students participate in a variety of mission’s opportunities including assisting with a VBS program, doing home and hospital visitation, taking part in church ministry and assisting with construction projects. Each year it has been a blessing to the students and staff involved to take part in such an amazing ministry opportunity and we are looking forward to serving with them again.

If you would like more information about the high school missions trip or would like to know how you can be involved in some way, please contact us at 306-775-0919 or office@myrcs.org.

For more information on Impact Ministries and their work in Guatemala, visit their web-site at: www.impactministries.ca.

Read our past blogs here.