Academics Our Programs


Our library is available to all staff and students during school hours.  Classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 8 visit the library once a week to find books for personal reading enjoyment.  High School students will use the library to find books for assignments as needed and for personal reading enjoyment. High School students are welcome to use the library as a quiet place for studying and homework.

Grade 3 to 8 complete projects/book reports on assigned topics during the school year.  This supports the overall literacy goals of our school.  The projects ensure that there has been active reading and builds comprehension.  Students develop an understanding of literature genres and have opportunities to explore various themes. 

The library is supervised for two hours after school for grades 7 to 12 students who are waiting for sports activities to begin or rides home.  As well, the library houses the textbooks used for all grades.

The library is constantly adding new books, ensuring reference material is as current as possible and acquiring material to support curriculum.  Staff provides input for materials to support their classroom instruction.  Every effort is made to acquire a variety of reading levels in order to support and challenge all learners.

The library also occasionally hosts visiting authors, usually Canadian authors, who share their writing passions with selected classrooms.  The library partners with the Regina Public Library (RPL) by hosting a representative every year to spend time with the Grade 6 class.  The representative uses this opportunity to share the digital resources.