High School Credit and Course Information
Grade 9 students must have full timetables of 9 courses (Math is yearlong) (10 if choir is chosen as an elective). All courses are mandatory except for the choice of Art, Practical and Applied Arts, Choir and French.
Grade 10 students must have full timetables of 10 courses (11 if choir is chosen as an elective).
Grade 11 students are encouraged to select full timetables. Students must enroll in a minimum of 8 courses.
Grade 12 students must ensure that all credits required for graduation are met. Graduation requires at least 24 credits in 10, 20, 30 level courses, with at least 5 credits at the 30 level. The following 12 are compulsory credits: English (3), math (2), social science (2), science (2), arts education and/or practical & applied arts (2) and health/physical education (1). Grade 12 students will meet with the guidance counselor to ensure graduation requirements are met. (Subject to Ministry approval.)
The learning resource program is provided to meet the individual learning needs of high school students and to facilitate their academic potential. The learning resource teacher will instruct in small group tutorials focusing on subject areas; monitoring completion of assignments; learning strategies, and skills in organization, studying and test taking. The applicants need to be referred by the guidance counselor or classroom teachers and approved by the learning resource teacher and/or principal.
On occasion students may desire a course not offered by Regina Christian School or available within the student’s timetable. RCS students can register to take a night class dependant upon availability. A complete listing of current courses, fees and an application package can be picked up in the office.
Courses proposed in this course selection guide are taught only if there is sufficient registration. Regina Christian School schedules classes and assigns staff based on the subject selections submitted by students. Because staff and classes are balanced for the year, students wishing to repeat a class from first semester will not necessarily be able to do so. Requests for timetable changes must include a signed slip from the student’s parent/guardian and be recommended by a Regina Christian School counselor. Timetables may or may not be altered once they are issued. Classes cannot be dropped once the midterm report card is issued. Prior to this date courses may be dropped with parent and high school office permission. All changes to timetables must be approved through the high school office.
With the subject teacher’s permission students may pick up academic courses within two weeks of the semester’s start. Elective classes may be picked up beyond this date providing the subject teacher approves the request.
- Athletic Fees – Students who participate in extracurricular sports are financially responsible for a variety of items including clothing, equipment and athletic fees. The cost varies depending on the sport and age level.
- Extra Course Fees for high school classes will be invoiced and are receipted in the same manner as tuition.
- Physical Education 20 & 30: $175
- Foods: $125
- Art: $75
- Construction: $100
- Choir: $375
- AP Courses: $150
- Textiles: $50
- Enhanced Phys. Ed (Grade 7 & 8): $50