Academics Our Programs


Elementary French 

The elementary French program works towards improving student’s ability to understand spoken and written French language starting with the basics of vocabulary knowledge.  French begins in Grade 4 and continues to Grade 8 and is a part of the regular stream of subjects that students follow when attending Regina Christian School.  Students begin with learning colours and numbers and finish with knowing conversational French and how to decipher difficult French passages.  Grammar, written and spoken French are key areas in learning in the elementary French program.

High School French

The high school Core French program at RCS is an important class for those who plan on pursuing the goal of bilingualism.  It assumes that the students have minimal knowledge of the language and culture.  The objectives of the class are to develop linguistic competence in the four areas of language (reading, writing, listening and speaking), to help the students feel more comfortable in interacting with others in French. The program is individualized to meet the ability level of the class or individual student as needed.  It may include the following themes over the course of the four-year program:

  • Travel
  • Food
  • World of Work
  • Personal Spaces
  • Arts
  • Trades and professions
  • Relationships
  • Consumerism
  • Lifestyles
  • Personal independence
  • Language and cultures of the world