Academics Our Programs

Learning Resource Support (LRT)

Elementary LRT

Regina Christian School offers learning support primarily in the areas of literacy and numeracy. However, support in developing social skills, organizational skills, fine and gross motor skills and speech and language development is also offered depending on the needs of the individual and the school. Our Learning Resource program follows a Response to Intervention model. Once a need is identified, the classroom teacher, parents and learning resource teacher work together to provide interventions.  Additional professionals are brought in should situations warrant the support. 

Our first response is to work within the classroom environment to provide adaptations and interventions that will meet the students’ needs.  Students needs may be addressed within the classroom through technology, sensory or work load adaptations.  When needed, interventions also take place outside the classroom where a small group of students is pulled to receive some additional assistance with reading, writing or math. This support is continued while needed then gradually reduced as students become more independent.  Should the need continue, support from a psychologist, school counselor, occupational therapist and/or speech language pathologist may be required.  In consultation with parents, this Student Achievement Team (classroom teacher, learning resource teacher, and educational professionals) work together to understand and meet the student’s needs.  If the student does not respond to the intervention, standardized testing may be done to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses and to determine what is keeping them from achieving academic success individually. The team would then work to use the recommendations from such an assessment to guide in program planning for the student.

High School LRT

Our High School Learning Resource program is provided to meet the individual learning needs of high school students and to support them in meeting their academic potential. Our learning resource teacher instructs in small-group tutorials to reinforce concepts and material taught in the general education classes. The tutorial classes also focus on teaching learning strategies, organization skills, and study skills. Our learning resource teacher works collaboratively with the subject area teachers to ensure that appropriate adaptations are made in the classroom for assignments and tests. 

The High School Learning Resource program is designed to support students in the successful completion of their 24 compulsory credits required for graduation. Tutorial class, itself, is a non-credit course. Enrollment in the Tutorial class is based on a recommendation from the subject area teacher in consultation with the learning resource teacher, school administration, and in agreement with the student as well as parents.