Academics Our Programs

Bible/Spiritual Life

 A Message from our Chaplain



In this study, kindergarteners will learn about God through the lives of major characters throughout the Bible. With colourful workbook activities designed to reinforce lessons from the Teacher’s Manual, students will learn to comprehend and apply Bible truths.

Grade 1

First graders will learn about the many gifts given to us by God, including the ultimate gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. This study highlights creation, our families, our friends, the work of Christ, and many other examples of God’s care.

Grade 2

This study teaches that when God gives a command, He also provides a promise. Blessing can follow obedience as God graciously fulfills His Word. Students will study the life of Moses through the Book of Exodus, witnessing the tribulations and victories of the Israelites as they learn to trust God.

Grade 3

The lives of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Daniel can teach us much about the rewards of living for God. Each of them faced rejection, but by God’s grace, they all remained faithful. In this study, students will see examples of discipline and character, all while learning about the God that is our strength.

Grade 4

Students will discover God’s redemptive love by studying the life of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of the Apostle Paul.

Grade 5

Just as God wanted His people to possess the land of Canaan, so He desires His children to live in a spiritual realm of promise and victory today. Students will gain an understanding of the patterns and themes of God’s work through the Old Testament.

Grade 6

Students will discover how various Bible characters strove to win the race that God set for them. This year's study also presents an overview of New Testament doctrine, including the past, present, and future work of Christ.

Grade 7

Every Christian should desire to become like Christ. Students will be given the tools to begin their journey toward spiritual maturity. They will gain an understanding of introductory Christian doctrine, including salvation, the study of the Bible, and the power of prayer. Students will learn how to live out their love for God and share Him with others.

Grade 8

In middle school, young people begin to make more and more decisions on their own. Soon they find that their new freedoms are followed by greater responsibility and higher expectations. RCS encourages students to study the wisdom of God in Proverbs, allowing Him to shape their lives into the image of His Son, Christ.

High School

Christian Ethics 9

This course explores the nature and character of God through studying His word. Students will be faced with such questions as:

  • Why do we need to study the attributes of God?
  • How do these facts about God affect me today?
  • Why is this study important for our lives?

Christian Ethics 10

  • examines the truth of God’s word as recorded in the Law and Old Testament historical books
  • explores the foundations of the Christian worldview provided in Genesis
  • discusses the veracity of the Bible and it’s authority in the life of a Christian
  • provides opportunity to grow deeper in relationship with Christ and Christian community

Christian Ethics 20

  •  examines the truth of God’s word as recorded in the Old Testament books of poetry and prophecy
  • explores the wisdom offered to followers of God in Proverbs
  • discusses the nature and power of God, the nature of humans and the reality and effects of sin
  • examines the beliefs of various world religions, spiritualities, and Christian denominations
  • provides opportunity to grow deeper in relationship with Christ and Christian community

Christian Ethics 30

  •  examines the truth of God’s word as recorded in the New Testament letters and books of history and prophecy
  • explores the truth, implications, and applications of the gospel as given in Romans
  • discusses the community of the church, sacraments, the work of the Holy Spirit, and eschatology
  • provides opportunity to grow deeper in relationship with Christ and Christian community
  • clarifies each student’s worldview, values, and commitments in transition to their adult lives

** Students must successfully complete their Christian Ethics credit for each year that they are enrolled at Regina Christian School. Participation in the graduation exercises and ceremonies is contingent on the successful completion of each Christian Ethics course.

Both Horizon College (Saskatoon), and Millar Bible College (Pambrum) will grant a 3 credit Theology class for students who have taken Christian Ethics 30.

RCS has definitely helped me grow my faith. The weekly chapels and different activities we did allowed me to connect with God in an environment that was safe and comforting to do so. Having the option to talk to different staff members about different problems was also a huge benefit. Just knowing that there were so many people that I could come to allowed me to feel safe and comfortable with talking about my faith. The Christian Ethics classes we took were also very helpful. Having a class dedicated to studying our beliefs and the varying beliefs within the same dogma allowed me to figure out, for myself, what I want to believe. I think RCS had a huge impact on making my faith my own. I was able to explore different ways of looking at the Bible and choosing for myself what I believe. Regina Christian School has brought me closer to God and allowed me to decide my own faith. 

RCS Student