Our Staff/Teacher Bios
All our staff at Regina Christian School are spiritually mature, born again men and women who see their work as God’s calling for their lives. They are dedicated Christian role models and mentors to the students and seek to serve Christ in their work.
Our teachers are provincially certified through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and have, at minimum, a Bachelor of Education Degree, some also have Bible College Degrees and Masters Degrees.
All courses are taught from a biblical perspective as the teachers seek to guide the students towards Christ in all aspects of their day.
If I had to choose one thing that makes RCS so special, it would be the teachers. I hear other people speak of their bad teachers and I think, “can’t relate to that.” I think it will be hard to move on from high school because I never know when I will see some of these people again.
RCS Student
Mr. Rilling - Principal
Bachelor of Education - Major in Mathematics and Minor in Social Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Major in Psychology
What I love about RCS: I love that students and staff can freely share their faith in Christ with one another. I love those times when I hear students sharing how God has touched their lives or answered their prayers.
Mrs. Munson - Principal
Bachelor of Arts - Double Major in English and Psychology
Bachelor of Education - Major in English and Double Minor in Health Studies & Guidance and Counselling
Masters in Educational Administration
What I love about RCS: I love that I can share my faith openly with staff and students.
Mr. Reed - Vice-Principal, Main Campus
Bachelor of Education (Major in Chemistry, Minor in Physics)
Masters in Education, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (MED TLL)
What I love about RCS: I love that I can get to know my students and build positive relationships with them that help them to reach their potential. I also love the passion that my colleagues have for their teaching-it is fun to work with people who are good at what they do-and who love it!
Mrs. Sims - Vice-Principal & Learning Resource Teacher, Early Years Campus (K-3)
Bachelor of Biblical Studies - Major in Christian Education
Bachelor of Education - Pre-K to Grade 3
Certificate in Inclusive Education
What I love about RCS: I love being part of the big family of God at RCS. There really is this sense of a 'village', raising our children up to know the Lord.
Elementary Teachers
Mrs. Basnicki
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Secondary Education
(Major in Social Studies and Minor in Physical Education)
What I love about RCS: The sense of community in this school is awesome! I love both the staff and students.
Mr. Breitkreuz
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Kinesiology (Sport Administration)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
What I love about RCS: Working with like-minded staff who believe Christian Education is important. I love the quote from Noah Webster, "Education is useless without the Bible". At RCS, I can apply the teachings from the Bible with every subject.
Mrs. Carcamo
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love that I get to talk and learn about Jesus.
Mrs. Clark
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love the community of RCS and the opportunities it offers. I was able to experience life as a student at RCS and now as a teacher. Everyone is so kind and loving; I feel as if I am at home again!
Mrs. Elles
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Early Years K-5)
What I love about RCS: I love that I could be a part of a community that loves Jesus. I also love that I could freely share my faith with my students!
Mrs. Engbers
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love that RCS teachers focus on Christ and His word in all areas of study.
Mrs. Flaman
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
Masters in Educational Psychology
What I love about RCS: I love being with incredible students and staff every day, and I love that I am able to teach with a Jesus centered focus.
Mrs. Fuller
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Major in English, Minor in Social Studies)
What I love about RCS: I love that I get to share a faith-based education with my students.
Mrs. Glasspell
Elementary LRT Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love being able to talk about God in every subject/area that I teach. I also love being a part of each child's spiritual journey.
Mrs. Hollerbaum
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Middle Years)
What I love about RCS: I love working with so many amazing co-workers and students!
Mrs. Kerimov
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love that I am able to share my faith with staff and students!
Mrs. Miller
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: How welcoming everyone has been and being able to freely share my faith with students!
Ms. Reimer
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Kinesiology
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love the community at RCS and how welcoming everyone is!
Mrs. Robertson
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education
Master of Arts
What I love about RCS: I love that the spiritual growth of my students is a priority and goal. Praying with my class and having them pray with and for each other is such a powerful experience and it really draws them together in the family of God.
Mr. Scarrott
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Business Administration
What I love about RCS: I love how RCS focuses our lessons with a lens pointing to the teachings of Jesus. Jesus is the most important aspect of who we are as a school.
Mrs. Schwartz
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Distinction)
Bachelor of Arts: Double Major - Counselling/Leadership
Associate of Arts: Music
What I love about RCS: I love the students, the Christian atmosphere, and great co-workers!
Mr. Shellenberg
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love that I can openly discuss my faith with students and colleagues, pray with my students, and that we set aside time during the day for spiritual development.
Mrs. Taylor
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
Inclusive Education Certificate
Certificate in Biblical Studies
What I love about RCS: What I enjoy about being a teacher is that it is a never-ending professional development journey. You are constantly learning right beside the students that you teach! Another reason I love teaching is that kids are entertaining and make me laugh... I feel like it has kept me young-ish!! :)
Mrs. Tyler
Librarian and Elementary EAL Teacher
Bachelor of Administration
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: Working in a Christian environment where the Lord is first. Connecting with students and their families. Working with fellow Christians and knowing our hearts and minds have the same frame of reference.
Ms. Wagman
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love that I get to play a role in preparing the soldiers of Christ every day!
Mrs. Willems
Elementary Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I can freely share my faith with students and staff!
High School Teachers
Mrs. Armstrong
High School Itinerant Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Middle Years Education)
Certificate in Inclusive Education
What I love about RCS: I love the staff, students, and the amazing community that is RCS.
Mr. Dyck
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Kinesiology
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education)
What I love about RCS: Being a teacher here is the best, as I can teach to all my students through the lens of our Christian Faith. Being able to share and mentor with all our students about our faith is what brought me to love this school and is why I wanted to become a teacher here at Regina Christian School.
Mr. Glasspell
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education
Master of Education
What I love about RCS: The ability to educate from a Christian worldview and come alongside my younger brothers and sisters in Christ as their teacher, while mentoring many beyond their years at Regina Christian School.
Mrs. Kramer
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Social Studies/English)
Master of Education (Curriculum Development)
What I love about RCS: I love being able to teach history and literature with a "Kingdom of God" ethic as this lens changes how we view everything. I love the relationships I have with my students as we all navigate life as children of God.
Mr. Lynnes
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: The school community is unbeatable. The staff, students and parents are all great!
Mr. Maxwell
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Chemistry & Mathematics)
What I love about RCS: I love helping students succeed and to encourage and train them to use their talents to serve God and others!
Ms. McLaren
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: Some of the things that I love about RCS are the community and the common desire to love Christ and his people.
Mr. Pritchard
High School EAL Teacher
Bachelor of Administration
Diploma in Biblical Studies
Certificate in Teaching ESL
What I love about RCS: I love the students and staff!
Mrs. Rilling
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Pastoral Theory
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love all the kids and their parents, and I love that I can talk about Jesus.
Mrs. Thiessen
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education
What I love about RCS: I love the culture at RCS-great students and amazing staff. I love being able to pray with my students and have Christ as the foundation of all that we do.
Mr. Webb
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Chemistry)
Bachelor of Biblical Studies
What I love about RCS: I love getting to teach various subject areas with the central focus of Jesus. I love that the students and staff care for each other.
Mr. Yemba
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
What I love about RCS: I love being part of a growing Christian community, and hanging out with cool, kind people!
Elementary Itinerant Teachers
Mrs. Collado
Elementary Arts Ed Specialist Teacher
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Education
Japanese Language Certificate
What I love about RCS: I love that I can teach about God, and I can sing Christian songs with my students.
Ms. Klatt
Elementary French Specialist Teacher
Bachelor of Education (Middle Years)
Inclusive Education Certificate
What I love about RCS: The integration of faith and learning, helping students see how their academic subjects connect with their spiritual beliefs. Being able to weave biblical principles into my teaching and encouraging students to view the world through a faith-based lens.
Mrs. Krahn
Elementary Arts Ed Specialist Teacher
Bachelor of Arts Education (Middle Years)
What I love about RCS: I love getting to bring the gospel into everyday conversations with students and having opportunities to pray with staff and students.
Ms. Watkis
Elementary Arts Ed Specialist Teacher
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education
Royal Conservatory of Music: Certified Elementary Piano Teacher; RCM Level 10 Voice Certificate.
What I love about RCS: I enjoy the connection, diversity, and collaboration with students, teachers and the community.
Mr. Thiessen
Bachelor or Arts in Youth Ministry, Columbia Bible College
Master of Arts in Youth and Family Ministry, Briercrest Seminary
What I love about RCS: I love our staff and students!
Mr. Thiessen is the pastor to our students, parents and staff. He provides mentoring and counseling within the school. Tim develops the yearly spiritual theme and speaks in our chapels. He serves as the staff advisor to the SLC Spiritual Life Committee. He plans and leads the high school Dallas Valley retreat, takes students offsite to discipleship conferences, helps develop the school's discipleship pathway, and leads a local inner city missions trip over the Easter break. He is also part of a team that coordinates regular inner city activities and connects regularly with Regina youth pastors and churches.
school counsellor
Mrs. Foster
School Counsellor
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Regina
Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy, Briercrest Seminary
What I love about RCS: I love being in a community of believers that builds each other up. I have always felt welcome here and love the people.
Preschool Teacher
Mrs. Goudy
Preschool Teacher
Early Childhood Education (Early Years Specialty)
Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate
What I love about RCS: I love being able to share the love of Jesus with my students, to pray and encourage them as well as staff members, and to remind them who they are in Christ. What a privilege it is!