I was an RCS kid from Kindergarten straight through to graduation, and I loved it. I think I realized all along that Christian education was a privilege, but even more so now that I’m an adult and have kids of my own. An important thing was that my parents laid such a solid foundation for me which allowed my experience at RCS to continue to build my faith and personal walk with Jesus. Learning through the lens of the Word of God helped form my worldview and my own personal convictions from an early age, and as I grew, those things pushed me to make my faith my own. In high school especially, I was challenged and pushed to grow, not only in my faith, but also as a leader and as a person.
RCS is about more than the Christian education itself – it’s the positive atmosphere, the arts and athletics, the opportunities, and most importantly, the people. All those things at RCS shaped me. My teachers and coaches were some of the most influential people in my life, and to this day, I remember things they said to me in defining moments. They cared about me and invested in me beyond their role as a teacher, and the kind of relationships I had with them would not exist elsewhere. It was the words of an amazing teacher of mine that pushed me towards my first missions trip, where God grabbed my heart and messed up all my plans in the most beautiful way. Now I live and serve as a missionary in San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, and looking back I can see how God used so many people and experiences at RCS as stepping stones. I’m so thankful that RCS is a part of my story and hope that someday my own kids can experience such a privilege.
October 2019